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International SEO

Advanced technologies for internationalization

PageSpeed.PRO is specialized in international SEO and can secure long term top positions in Google in over 200 countries globally, cost efficiently.

Our AI managed demo project was visited from literally each country in the world within one year and has maintained #1 positions in Google globally for over 5 years.

International traffic Results of a demo website after just one year

If you are looking for a cost efficient way to unlock the opportunities of internationalization for your online business, contact us to discuss the options!

We provide service at low cost an we only provide the best results.

You can reach us via email

Professional internationalization plugin

Our internationalization plugin supports any CMS and provides the latest technologies for achieving and maintaining a top position in Google in over 200 countries.

We can help a website achieve durable #1 positions in Google globally.

Professional website translation

Translation in many e-commerce CMS systems is unusable let alone for more than 50 languages. Our plugin makes it cost efficient and easy with a focus on quality for SEO.

The software intends to achieve the lowest costs and the best translation quality through selective automation via Google Translate combined with professional manual translation via .PO translation files (an industry standard used by translators).

The translation technology accepts advanced logic in HTML so that it is possible to override translation from within the HTML and to add complex localization logic using browser features such as local time and money format.


<!-- sprintf + date format with time zone + money format in local currency -->
<div x-translate='{
    "sprintf": {
        "data": [
            "Ordered before %s, shipped (FOR FREE*) today! <em>*when ordering %s or more.",
            {"format": "time", "value": "14:00", "zone": "gmt+1"},
            {"format": "money", "value": "75", "currency": "EUR", "de": "75,- €"}
    "en": "Manual override for English (no sprintf)"
}'> ... </div>
<!-- automatically translate all HTML text within a div -->
<div x-translate-auto> ... </div>
<!-- translate HTML attributes -->
<a href="#" title="Text to be translated" data-attr="Other text to be translated" x-translate='["title", "data-attr"]'>...</a>

International page cache

The plugin provides a page cache in Google's international CDN infrastructure that provides the fastest server speed in every location in the world.

International speed International page cache and CDN via Google's network

Google's international network is very reliable and provides a SEO advantage for international ranking.


The plugin provides advanced routing and multi-domain support for internationalization.

International website performance

Website performance is an important aspect for international SEO. In some regions of the world internet connectivity is slow, unstable or costly.

The internationalization plugin is part of a professional performance optimization plugin.

The optimization plugin is designed for international SEO and can optimize a website based on environment variables such as HTTP Client hints that provide information about the bandwidth and reliability of an internet connection.

The optimization plugin makes it possible to serve both high and low bandwidth internet users in the best way with the same website, without adding management complexity and without losing functionality.

Send us a message and let's discuss the opportunities of international expansion and international SEO for your business.

You can reach us via email